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My Uploaded Files

Miscellaneous Templates & Files

On this page, you'll find files that were at one time CAD drawings and have now been converted into Adobe PDF documents. You can print these out using your printer at home to use as a template or "tracing" so you can make the assemblies yourself. Since these files are Adobe PDF documents, you MUST have either Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer to be able to open, read, and print them.

When you print the templates, you'll find in your print window, a "print scaling" setting that has options such as "print to fit" or "scale to fit", or something close, along with a "none" setting. You will want to use the NONE setting when you print them. This will ensure they print in the correct 1 to 1 scale. After you've printed the template, use a ruler or some other measuring device, and lay it next to the scale meter in the lower center of the drawing. This scale meter is marked off in 1/16" inch increments up to a 8 inch length and should match or be within 1/16" from the 8" marking on your ruler. This is again to ensure that the template has been printed the correct size.

One more tip before you print. If you use a sticky backed label sheet in your printer, after you've printed the templates, you will be able to simply stick them to your material and they will not move while you cut them out.

All documents listed are my property, and are only for personal use. They are not to be used for professional use without my expressed permission. If you have any questions regarding any information contained in these documents or how to use them, feel free to contact me at

"Widow" Chassis Side Plates

"Widow" Lower Skid Plate

"Widow" Upper Wishbone Link

"Manta" Chassis Side Plates

"Widow LP" (low profile version of Widow)

Optional Widow Wishbone Design - "The Vertabrae"

"Skala V1" Scale Chassis

"Skala V2" Scale Chassis

"Skala V3" Scale Chassis

"Bones" Axial Axle Plates

Axial SCX-10 Battery/Accessory Plate